Tuesday 11 March 2014

Bye Bye Nicaragua

On Saturday we commenced the long journey home.

I had pretty much packed the night before, but we were all awake before 6am and tucking into our last Nicaraguan breakfast of sausage, egg, rice, beans and plantain by 7am.

Most of us were on the lunchtime flight out of Managua, so we had a few hours to kill before the minibus collected us at 10am.  We went for a short walk down to the craft market. This time it was just opening, but we managed to shop for some last minute souvenirs.

The journey to the airport was fairly uneventful. The departure lounge at Managua airport was surprisingly comfortably, so we bought lunch and relaxed before the flight.

We arrived in Houston around 4pm, and the six of us that were left had dinner in the airport, before catching the evening flight back to Heathrow. As it was a night flight, I should have been able to sleep but couldn't, so watched another movie (the Book Thief) and fidgeted for the next 9+ hours. 

It was then lunch at Heathrow before catching the 3pm flight back up to Leeds/Bradford and retrieving my car.

Somewhere along the way I lost 6 hours and a whole nights sleep. I tried to sleep when I got home but couldn't. That night I slept round the clock though and felt much better for it.  Now I am reflecting on my journey, enjoying the feeling of not working at the bank any more, and getting up to speed with my admin and studies.

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