Sunday 24 February 2013

Weekend Wanderings

I've struggling to get motivated with my study texts this weekend, but have managed to identify a couple more plants for my BSBI revision. I find its easier to learn if you identify things you see in the field and can touch, rather than just looking in books. During a woodland walk I identified sweet violet (Viola odorata), not in flower but identifiable from its hairy leaves, and cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) with its distinctive smell if the leaves are crushed.

In the woods we also heard a woodpecked drumming away. It was too far away to see, but I am guessing it was a Great Spotted Woodpecker.  Yesterday, I also saw a pair of tree creepers making their way up the side of a tree. It's good to see some life coming back after what seems like has been a long, cold winter.

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