Monday 25 February 2013

It's TMA time!

It's time to submit my first Level 2 assignment, and it hasn't been too bad so far. The questions have been mostly map-reading and spreadsheets, both of which I am comfortable with. I spend most of my working day using Excel, so the calculations and graphs didn't pose too much of a challenge.

There has been a bit of dissent on the student forums about having an assignment on map reading as part of an environmental sciences course. Personally I think it is an excellent idea. You need to be able to 'read' a map and get a feel for the environment - it helps you plan field work without leaving the house. You can understand the terrain, water courses and vegetation, as well as how remote or accessible an area is.  Likewise, when you are out in the field you need to be able to know where you are - not just to prevent getting lost, but to accurately pin point where you find things. You need to be able to relate features so that you can draw accurate conclusions about your results.

Somehow though, I think future assignments will be a bit more challenging for me.

Postscript: Excellent mark received for my first assignment - very encouraging! I'm determined to put 100% effort into my continous assessment, as I know I won't be as strong in the written exam.

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