Saturday 16 November 2019

How to Help Orangutans

Today is the final day of #orangutancareweek.

If you have enjoyed reading my posts and would like to do so, please consider a small donation to Orangutan Foundation UK to help them continue their wonderful work.

Whilst in Borneo, I planted a couple of trees. Orangutan habitat is vulnerable to forest fires, either lit deliberately to clear land or spreading accidentally. Tree planting schemes help to regenerating the forest and restore natural ecosystem, as well as re-creating areas of orangutan habitat.

Of course, we can’t all travel to Borneo to plant trees! Here are some other ways in which you could help:

Adopt an orangutan! For £30 a year, you can sponsor one of the youngsters we actually met at Camp JL. All adoption money goes directly towards the care and protection of orangutans in the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve.

Join the Orangutan Foundation and get regular updates about their conservation work.

Sponsor an acre of forest for just £2. This will help raise funds to protect a total 500,000 acres of tropical forest and 5,000 critically endangered orangutans.

Volunteer! Take part in practical orangutan conservation working holiday. Tasks included construction of orangutan release sites and guard posts in protected areas, renovating a tropical forest research station and an information centre. This provides the chance to see both rehabilitated and wild orangutans.

Visit. Included in the cost of my trip was a donation to orangutan conservation charities, and I believe the National Park also receive an entrance fee that protects and supports the park. If any budding photographers out there want to take part in a similar experience, check out woody wood’s website:

For other ways to support Orangutan Foundation UK, see

Share information and education others. I’ve now saved my posts as ‘public’ so feel free to share if you want to. Thank you for reading my posts over the last week, I hope you have enjoyed them and gained something from them.

#orangutans #redape

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