Sunday 17 July 2016

Craigellachie NNR

I have been a little re-miss in updating my blog as the days have been very busy and the Wifi signal patchy, so I will try and keep posts to a short summary of where we have visited and what I have seen. 

Craigellachie NNR is a place that made a positive impression on me. We were fortunate enough to have a Mountain Ringlet transect at the top of the hill, so had to walk through the reserve to get there. Although we weren't successful in our butterfly hunt that day, the site was lovely.

Parking is easy at the Youth Hostel in Aviemore, where there is also a display board just inside the building providing information about the reserve. There are various well-marking trails through the lower wood, extending up to a view point with great views of the Cairngorms. 

Although its a reasonable climb up the hill, it is worth the effort.

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