Sunday 17 April 2016

Urban Botany #2

I did the same walk to the shops today but picked up some different flowers to examine. My research was somewhat hampered by the fact that I seem to have misplaced my copy of Francis Rose :(

The first specimen is an Early Dog Violet (Viola reichenbachiana). This is distinguished from the sample I found yesterday (Common Dog Violet) as the 'early' version has a darker purple spur rather than it being pale/cream coloured.  The veins within the flower are also shorter and straighter. Like the 'common' version, this plant has pointed sepals and hairless heart-shaped leaves. I found a good comparison of the species on this website.

The second plant found today is a forget-me-not. I believe it is a Wood Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) though this is very hard to tell apart from the Field Forget-me-not. Both are quite hairy with pretty pale blue flowers with a yellow centre.

I also found a speedwell (Veronica sp) with its distinctive four purple petals and two anthers [not pictured]. I think the version I found is Ivy-leaved Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia sub species hederifolia).  Although it does not seem as hairy as some of the photographs I have seen, it does have distinctive blue anthers.

Finally, I picked a very common plant but the first I have seen in flower this year - Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris). This has umbels of tiny white flowers, each with five petals. It is distinguished from the very similar Fool's Parsley as Cow Parsley is slighly hairy, particularly on the back of the leaves, and the bracteoles are much longer and more obvious in Fool's Parsley.

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