Wednesday 2 April 2014

Torching at Gallow's Hill

Last night I took part in my first nocturnal pond survey, organised by the NEW Yorks ARG.  We met at Gallow's Hill nature reserve in Otley, a small but varied plot of land on the banks of the River Wharfe.

With the clocks changing and it being a beautiful clear day, it was still light when we arrived at 7:30pm so we had a stroll along the river bank looking for bats. We saw at least two different species: a large bat that looked as though it's wings were too short for its rather plump body (probably a Noctule), and a smaller, more flitty bat.  I think the West Yorkshire Bat Group are surveying in Otley next week, so there should be lots for them to see.

Although there were only two ponds, we spend over an hour and half slowly moving around the edge and shining our torch to see what we could see. Although my LED Lenser was initially complimented, it was woefully inadequate compared to the Clulite so I think I am going to have to make an investment in some new kit. We had a really successful session, counting over 160 toads (some in pairs and some alone), 20 smooth newts, horse leaches and water boatmen. There was also frog spawn and some newly hatched tadpoles, so it is obviously quite a healthy pond.

I took a few photos but only on my smart phone as I didn't think to take my camera - as a result they are a bit blurry and not worth posting - must be better prepared next time!  It was great to get out and do some proactive field work with like-minded individuals. I am looking forward to the next survey in a few weeks time.

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